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Heather Burton-μητέρα

''Empowering our daughters with confidence, useful skills, strength, and preparing them for the future is a goal I know many parents have. There are so many more reasons to pursue programming I could give. The most basic reason of all, for us, is one that goes without explanation: My daughters love it. I can't wait to see where it leads them''.

My Nguyen-δάσκαλος

''When I first opened up Scratch and looked at the home page, I thought it looked really fun. I started by playing games. I think I played a pong game. I thought to myself, "This is really cool." After that, I jumped into the Google CS First curriculum and went through it as our students do''.

Jenny Shay-δασκάλα

"I believe students can use Scratch to learn, teach, and create all kinds of projects - not just computing''.

Korbin D.-μαθητής

''At first, it seemed like a weird language to me. But once I started making projects with it, I liked it more and more. I watched YouTube tutorials so that I could learn more. I realize now that it was the right language for sprouting my interest in coding''.

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